ANGKOR GREEN is committed to active and effective participation for social development towards poverty reduction in Cambodia. Our CSR policy is based on the ISO 26000:2010 CSR, the leading sustainability CSR standard. It includes elements of an is based on UN Global Compact, UN Declaration of Human Rights, International Labor Organization (ILO) standard, UN Sustainable Development Goals, OECD Guidelines, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, and GRI Global Reporting.


Our environmental impact is specifically relevant as improper usage of inputs can result in soil and water pollution. Improper waste management and disposal of used products packs by consumer can lead to water and soil contamination. Moreover, we also aim to reduce our environmental impact by following our CSR policies.


We subsequently support community works such as charity activities for people in needs who are struggle with natural disaster, city lockdown​...etc. We also provide opportunity for students to practice and experience on working environment to follow the labor practice article in our CSR policy and meet with our vision.

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