Mr. Phanna TUON
(Digital Marketing Unit Manager for AG Group)

Mr. Phanna TUON, has joined Angkor Green since June, 2013 as a Assistant Brand Manager for Agrochemical Project before being promoted to current Digital Marketing Unit Manager in 2017.

With his practical and intensive experiences, Phanna worked closely with farmers and dealers in several provinces to share them on crops knowledge, safety and effective use of agrochemical products to get higher yield. Currently, Phanna is working closely with team members, coaching and supporting GMs, sales admin team in digital marketing tactics, pages/channel management, poster/video design, event organizing, to make sure they could effectively manage and advertise their handle products/services effectively and for the company branding.

He obtained Bachelor in Civil Engineering from Build Bright University and joined some training courses in marketing strategy & management, digital marketing related courses and leadership skills.

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